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Blue ImageMVI Hot Line Support for UNIX/Linux Printing

The products of MV-Informatique are supported in different manners.

The products come with a guarantee and support strategy as agreed upon with your local Canon sales representative.


The telephonic or hot-line support is arranged in the following manner:

Level of support Where to address your questions to
First level of support Canon local sales office, i.e. your local technical support engineer.
Second level of support Canon Europe Support Center.
Third level of support MV-Informatique Support Center.

Canon support is based on a hot-line center with large data base or information base. For the UNIX/Linux part MV-Informatique is also directly involved in this strategy through Canon.

As a complement to the Canon Europe download site some patches, announcements etc. may be published on the forum of this site.
You can also consult the forum of this site or post your questions there yet if your questions are about Canon specific topics, please use the channel via your Canon office first.


Of course there may be a certain overlap of items found in the forum of this site and the knowledge base of the Canon support site.
But the items of the forum on this site are intended to be more MVI product specific than Canon specific.


For questions of a commercial kind you can contact your local sales representative.
For technical advice you may visit the MVI Forum for UNIX Printing directly: see the MVI Forum page.


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